The Maggie Society Canine Rescue Rehabilitation & Education

Helping to save shelter dogs of Eastern North Carolina

Life Saving Transport

Our Volunteers up late/early to help load the van with dogs destined for salvation in the form of adoption by wonderful families all over the country.

The cost to transport our dogs is constantly going up. The last transport to PA including gas and tolls cost over $650.00 .
Please click the button and donate what you can, ANY amount will help.

PizzaInn of Wilson if you enjoyed your dinner check them out on FaceBook

Thank you to Silver Lake Fire Dept.

Not just for the use of your building, but thank you for the service you provide the community keeping us safe 365 days a year.

Here are theAmazing Amanda not only does she drive the rescue van to PA she was at the dinner workng our merchandise table with Faith and Butler in front of the table

Butler has been in foster for almost a year now if you are interested in adopting Butler please send email to for more information.

WoW! Thank you all for your support!

A special Thanks goes out to Judie Hemmerich!. Without her hard work there would not have been an event.

Judie organized the dinner, printed tickets, helped secure the use of the firehouse, arranged for the Pizza Inn of Wilson to cook and serve the food. She even had all her friends make the deserts that came with each meal!

In this picture Judie is unloading boxes of supplies and setting up for the dinner .

Another shout out goes to Phil Batts, husband of our Barbara Batts. He is a retired firefighter and the person Julie contacted to secure use of the firehouse for the dinner. He also rocked a Maggie head band while he was directing traffic in to and out of the fire station.


Judie and a couple members of team Maggie with the people from Pizza Inn of Wilson who busted there A&#'s getting the food out tonight.








This little guy along with a couple other pups were surrendered to us during the dinner service!

Lucky for them our head Vet Dr. Tracy Borst was on hand supporting us. Dr Tracy is in the picture on the left holding one of the other guys surrendered tonight.

She was able to give them the once over to confirm they have no major health issues and schedule them for shots and a full check up. Look for these guys to be available soon!